Words Can Hurt, But We Can Help

Right before gathering to pack our weekly orders, Gracing Spaces received a last – minute request from one of our favorite social workers. One of her students, a kindergartner, was being teased for her โ€œold clothes.โ€ Could we help? Saddened and touched by this request, volunteers Andrea and Margaret found time to select a huge bag of cute and trendy clothes, and the grandmas who have family in the area asked their grandchildren to contribute from their own closets. Volunteer Barb put together a bag of toys and found the cutest Hello Kitty bike to send along as well.

While Gracing Spaces isnโ€™t in a position to stop the cruel bullying that some of our neighbors in need experience, we joyfully packed the social workerโ€™s car, hoping that the donations may ease this young girlโ€™s school life and usher in more peaceful days.

Our ability to respond to urgent requests like this depends on our dedicated volunteers. Come join our team and help make the world just a bit nicer for our community!

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